Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
Here at St Wenn School, we pride ourselves on our inclusive school environment. It is the school’s aim to ensure that children with SEND are included in all aspects of school life and experience a fully inclusive curriculum. Our mission is to enable all children with SEND to achieve their best possible outcomes. From early identification, children with SEND will receive high quality first teaching, support strategies, careful monitoring and interventions tailored to their individual needs which will enable them to achieve their full potential.
Our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator (SENDCo) is Mrs Lauren Green.
If you would like to speak to Mrs Green about your child, please contact the School Office to make an appointment or you can email her on lgreen@st-wenn.cornwall.sch.uk
Mrs Green works 2 days a week. On a Monday Mrs Green is a classteacher and fulfils her SENDCo duties on a Friday. She will always return calls and answer emails at the earliest possible opportunity. If the nature of your email is urgent, please telephone the School Office on 01726 890405.
Looked After and Post Looked After Children (LAC and PLAC)
Every child deserves a strong foundation in life. Studies indicate that children who have been in care, whether currently or in the past, often have unique needs due to their experiences.
If your child was once under local authority care in England before being permanently placed, they are entitled to priority consideration for admission to the school you feel is best equipped to meet their needs.
The Pupil Premium Plus (PP+) is additional funding available to schools for students from Reception through Year 11 who were previously looked after in either England or Wales. This funding is aimed at helping schools provide the extra support these children may require.
The Virtual School exists to ensure that children currently or formerly in care are supported, and that schools and other professionals are fulfilling their responsibilities in meeting the children’s educational needs.
At our school, a designated teacher, Mrs. Smith, is available to ensure that your child receives the support they need.