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Reading at St Wenn


We Love Reading!


At St Wenn School we value the love of reading. Listening to your child read every night and reading to them is incredibly important. Spending this time with your child each day will make a significant difference to, not only their reading, but their success as a learner across the curriculum. Reading is an essential skill for life.


Developing a love of reading

We read daily with our children and are currently developing a ‘St Wenn Reading Spine’ to include a diverse ranges of authors and topics. Our children recently chose books for our new reading mural, enjoyed a visit from Clive Pig and celebrated World Book Day in style.


We have high expectations for all of our children and our children who find reading more challenging are supported regularly in school and heard daily by a trained adult. We also have a range of reading incentives to encourage children to read regularly at home. These include prizes such as books, bookmarks, pencils and notepads.


We share our favourite books on the weekly newsletter, and children and staff also share their recommended reads regularly in our weekly assemblies.


How do we develop reading? 

Pupils begin the phonics programme on their first day in Reception (for some children they start during their last term in Preschool).  Once they have completed the programme they continue reading a range of fiction and non-fiction books, choosing from a levelled reader and a library book. We have recently made significant investment in reading through these programmes as well as purchasing new and exciting books.  

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