Friends of St Wenn School is the school fundraising committee who do wonders for our school. They organise great events for the children, parents, grandparents and the community to enjoy which raise funds to enhance the children's learning journey. They are always on the look out for more keen volunteers to join the crew!
Friends of St Wenn School is a voluntary group of people made up of parents and carers of children currently attending St Wenn School. People from the wider community and extended family members are also encouraged to participate within the group.
To undertake fundraising activities ethically, morally and in keeping with the values of St Wenn School.
To organize, publicise and manage fundraising activities that are suitable and appropriate when raising money for young children. All arrangements are in accordance with current legal requirements e.g licencing, insurance and event notices.
Engage in activities which support and advance the opportunities and education for all pupils attending St Wenn School.
To promote close working, collaboration and communication between the Headteacher, Teaching Staff, Pupils, School Council, Parents/Carers and the Governing Body.
To identify areas for expenditure that satisfy good value for money and offer appropriate trips, learning/ educational/play aspects which support the curriculum and the needs of pupils.
To spend money within a sensible timescale from any fundraising activity whilst meeting the aims and objectives as above.
In order to consider a funding request from the school, the committee has the right to discuss and liaise with all staff and pupils concerned to ensure good value for money and reduce wasteful spending.
The committee reserve the right to decline a funding request where it is deemed more appropriate funding is available elsewhere within the existing school budget or grants.
Once funding requests have been successful, the Friends' committee will have an acknowledgement from the school confirming purchases and expenditure made by Friends.
Membership will automatically apply to Parents/Carers of pupils attending St Wenn School.
Membership will also apply to members of the wider community or extended family members who wish to give their time, expertise and knowledge to the aims of the Friends of St Wenn School.
Membership will be free.
A Committee, which will be formed by members, will be lead by a Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer who should be present at ALL meetings. These post holders will be `voted in' by members at an Annual General Meeting (AGM). Should there be more than one nomination for one of the posts, then a vote will be cast with the post awarded to the person with the most show of hands.
The Committee will have general day-to-day responsibility for the group and lead the activities of Friends of St Wenn School, seeking assistance from other members as and when required. Such activities will include general administration, arranging meetings, running accounting systems, retaining and recording information appropriately for any audits/inspections. They will strive for openness, accountability and transparency.
The positions should be held for 12 months until the next AGM. However, should a committee member leave within the 12 month period, nominations for a replacement should be sought and an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) be held.
The Annual General Meeting (|AGM) shall be held in February each year.
The notice calling the meeting shall be sent to members at least three weeks in advance.
Notice will be given using social media, letters, website, posters and book bags.
The meeting should take place away from the school and in an area of impartiality e.g Village Hall.
The business should include:-
a) Apologies
b) Minutes of the last meeting
c) Matters Arising
d) Work of the Friends group and purchases/support given
e) Report from the outgoing chairperson
f) Report from the outgoing Treasurer
g) Approval of Accounts
h) Appointments of an Auditor who will review the annual accounts
i) Resolutions submitted by the members
j) Review of the constitution k) Election of members to serve as Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer or reelection if appropriate
The Friends of St Wenn School Committee or six of the members shall have the power to call an Extraordinary General Meeting.
Each member will be given one vote
The Chairperson shall have both a deliberative and casting vote. The Chairperson's casting vote shall be used only in the event of a tie.
The committee should meet at least once per quarter, more if deemed appropriate. Minutes should be properly recorded and retained on a computer system, as well as in paper format.
Minutes should be available through the school website within a week of the meeting, as well as in book bags.
All meetings should have a quorum of four people.
The funds of the Friends of St Wenn School shall be lodged in a bank, building society or other account in the name of Friends of St Wenn School.